Condolences: Passing of Angela Mann

Posted on May 3, 2021

On April 24, Angela Mann passed away peacefully at home after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. She is survived by her sister Maureen Mann Ritz, two nieces, three nephews, and many cousins from the families Mann, Owens, Matthew’s, McNamara, and Moran. 

Jubilee was honored to support Angela in her home. The Jubilee staff members who supported Angela were able to say their goodbyes before she passed.

Angela taught her family and friends a lot about courage, patience, and always finding the silver linings. She enjoyed playing card games, sketching and drawing designs using Monet-like colors, dancing, singing, camping trips with her family, bowling with the Kennedy bowlers, walking on the Beach, visiting with her family and cousins at her grandmother’s house at the Willows on the Chesapeake Bay, watching Days of Our Lives with her mother, going to mass and Faith and Light meetings, and using her office skills at various jobs including the Catholic Volunteer Network and CHI.

The Bethlehem House Foundation hosted a memorial on April 28, and shared that as we say good-bye, we reflect on Angela’s many gifts and pray for her and her family.

The family has requested that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Jubilee for the benefit of Angela’s home and housemates. 

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